Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bears Lose First Game of Season; Series to AFC Renegades

In what could only be an even greater start to the season with yet another win or tie, the Bears found themselves not only chasing two points, but having difficulty finding ways to get a shot past the goalie.  And making its third appearance this season, the heat, rounding at 91 degrees at kickoff, played yet another devastating role to the Bears' performance.

AFC Renegades would take some crafty shots, many that were deflected or off target, but in the 31st minute, a controversial shot would be taken by one of their female players as she would make contact on the Bears' goalie Mike Prause and force the ball across the net for two points.  The ref would be confronted by several players, including Mike and Coach Oscar, but the ref ruled it a goal.

For the rest of the game, the Bears found themselves at times trying to beat the heat than beating their opponents.  At times, fatigue set in for some, making passes difficult to chase and deflected shots to attack.

"We just didn't play our best today," explained Coach Oscar.  "We need to play better to win."

Through numerous opportunties, shots were not taken, but rather deflected by the Renegades.  Too many shots were off target, but by mere inches.  In the end, the AFC Renegades would hold on to a 2-0 victory, their first of the season, as well as their first against Club Bad News Bears.

Many players looked frustrated after the game, but with a two week break in between games, the Bears should get enough rest.  Hanniel Malagon will definitely benefit from the two week break as he left the game late in the second half with a knee injury.

"I felt something snap," described Hanniel.  "I've never felt anything like this before." 

Hanniel's return is indefinite at this point.
Club Bad News Bears (1-0-1) vs. AFC Renegades (0-0-1)
June 26, 2011 -- Bear Creek Park

Scoring Summary:
1st Half:  AFC Renegades - 2     Club Bad News Bears - 0
2nd Half:  AFC Renegades - 0     Club Bad News Bears - 0

Misconduct Summary: N/A

Attendance:  6

Weather:  Sunny and 91 degrees
All statistics contained in this boxscore are unofficial

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